National Movement
Kuthuparamba dwellers had played a notable part in the national movement also. The agitated people treaded along Kuthuparamba shouting slogans against the British rule. They violated 144 that declared on 15th September 1940 as a part of Anti Colonisation Day declared by Indian National Congress. People became agitated in the post Second World War period due to severe famine. The grains that kept hidden were captured and distributed among the poor hungry people. Many were sent to Selam Jail. One of the victims shot dead at Selam Jail was Azad Gopalan Nair of Ambilad.
Political Leaders and Cultural Heroes
1. Vagbhatananda Guru
2. N.E. Balaram
3. Pathalyi Kunhikannan
4. T.K. Raju
5. M. Kunhikannan Nair
Kuthuparamba Panchayat
Kuthuparamba panchayat was come into existence in 1939. The following personalities were the presidents who led Kuthuparmba panchayat.
1. Dr. D. Kumaran
2. Keloth Murikkoli Gopalan
3. K.K. Nair.
4. Sri. V.K. Chandu
Dr. D. Kumaran was the first president of Kuthuparamba panchayat. K.K. Nair was the third president who held the position of president for the longest period. Sri. V.K. Chandu was the last president of Kuthuparmba Panchayat. He tried to upgrade Kuthuparamba Panchayat as third grade Municipality. This was fulfilled in 1990.
Formation of Kuthuparamba Municipality
Kuthuparamba Municipality was formed as third grade Municipality with effect from 1-04-1990.
1. Smt. C.V. Malini (Premier Chairperson)
2. Sri. K.Dhananjayan
3. Sri. N.K.Sreenivasan
4. Adv. Padmaja Padmanabhan (Present Chairperson)
- C K Sreedharan & Associates